• Incorporation of Companies
  • Registration of Permanent Establishments and/or representative offices.
    representative offices
  • Due Diligence
  • M&A
  • Compliance Check
  • REPSE Registration
  • Data Protection
  • Legal Opinions
  • Workshops
  • Management
    • Registration in the Federal Taxpayers’ Registry (RFC)
    • Registration and Notifications to the National Registry of Foreign Investment (RNIE).
    • Opening and management of bank accounts
    • Registration with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).
    • Registration with the Ministry of Finance for the payment of the Payroll Tax (ISN).
  • Individual Contracts
    • Blue & White Collar
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements

  • Negotiations with Unions

  • Internal Labor Regulations

  • Joint Health and Safety Committee
    Joint Commission for Profit Sharing (PTU)

  • Administrative Minutes

  • Any type of format

  • Code of Ethics

  • Registration with INEGI

  • Registration with Fonacot

  • NOM-035

  • Employee Liquidation Processes

  • Secondment Agreement

  • Management of Employee Benefits (vouchers, insurance, savings fund, vehicles, cell phones, credit cards, etc.),

  • Workshops

  • Legal Opinions

  • Labor Litigation and/or Conciliation

  • Preparation of Contracts
    • Provision of Services
    • Leasing
    • Purchase and Sale
    • Loan/Commodate
    • Mercantile Commission
    • Forgiveness and/or acknowledgment of debt
  • Collection Letters
  • Circumstantiated Letter
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Confidentiality Agreement
  • Legal Opinions
  • Litigation
  • Request for Employer’s Certificate
  • Visa Processing
    • Temporary
    • Permanent
  • Application for entry and exit permits
  • Notification of any change in the foreigner’s status and/or of la empresa
  • Trademark Registration
  • Dispute Resolution for Trademark Misuse
  • Preparation of Real Owner Letters
  • Preparation of KYC Forms
  • Anti-Money Laundering Compliance